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   Cockroach control

cockroach control becomes necessary because there are over 3,500 cockroach species existing in the world. The presence of cockroaches within the home causes distress to home and apartment dwellers. Part of the distress is because many of us dislike any “bugs” within the home.
In addition, there’s a fallacy that cockroaches only sleep in dirty homes, so there’s a negative stigma attached to having them. so, we always strive to cockroach control.
Many of us are embarrassed to admit they share their quarters with cockroaches. The straightforward truth is cockroaches sleep in dwellings belonging to all or any ethnic groups and every one economic class of individuals . During this article, we’ll explain several methods of cockroach control.

The following are the foremost details that we'll address:-

  • What is a cockroach?

  • Cockroach life cycle

  •  Cockroach types

  • How to cockroach control?

  • Why do we fight a cockroach?

  • Cockroach control tips

  • How to choose a cockroach control company? 

  • Some of the customer reviews on cockroach control

  • Mazaya for cockroach control

Cockroach Inside home?!

What is cockroach ?

 The cockroaches are an ancient group, dating back a minimum of as far as the Carboniferous , some 320 million years ago. Those early ancestors, however, lacked the interior ovipositors of recent roaches. Cockroaches are somewhat generalized insects without special adaptations just like the sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs; they need chewing mouthparts and are likely among the foremost primitive of living Neopterin insects. They are common and hardy insects and may tolerate a good range of environments from Arctic cold to tropical heat. Tropical cockroaches are often much bigger than temperate species, and, contrary to popular belief, extinct cockroach relatives and ‘roachoids’ like the Carboniferous Archimylacris and therefore the Permian Apthoroblattina were not as large as the biggest modern species.
Some species, like the gregarious German cockroach , have an elaborate social organization involving common shelter, social dependence, information transfer, and kin recognition. Since classical antiquity cockroaches have appeared in human culture. They are popularly depicted as dirty pests, although the bulk of species are inoffensive and sleep in a good range of habitats around the world.
Cockroaches are members of the order Blattodea, which incorporates the termites, a gaggle of insects once thought to break away cockroaches. presently 4,600 species and more than 460 kinds are described all over the world. The name “cockroach” comes from the Spanish word for cockroach, Cucaracha, transformed by the 1620s English etymology into “cock” and “roach”. from the Latin Blatta the scientific name derives, an insect that shuns the light, which was applied in classical Latin not only to cockroaches but also to mantids.
Since the 19th century, scientists believed that cockroaches were an ancient group of insects that had a Devonian origin, consistent with one hypothesis. Fossil roachoids that lived during that point differ from modern cockroaches in that they had long external ovipositors and are the ancestors of mantises, also as modern cockroaches. Like the body, hind wings and mouthparts are not preserved in fossils frequently, the relationship of these roachoids and modern cockroaches remains disputed. The first fossils of recent cockroaches with internal ovipositors appeared within the Early Cretaceous. A recent phylogenetic analysis suggests that cockroaches originated a minimum of within the Jurassic. Common Mesozoic stem-group cockroaches include the Blattellidae and Meso Blattidae.
The evolutionary relationships of the Blattodea (cockroaches and termites) shown within the cladogram are supported Eggleton, Beccaloni, and Inward (2007). The cockroach families Anaplectidae, Lampro Blattidae, and Tryonicidae are not shown but are placed within the superfamily Blattoidea. The cockroach families Corydiidae and Ectobiidae were previously referred to as the Polyphagidae and Blattellidae.

Cockroach pest control

Cockroach life cycle

 The cockroach life cycle varies, counting on the species of the roach. All cockroaches begin as eggs, carried during a capsule referred to as the ootheca. Cockroaches go through different stages of development, called instars, as they mature into adults. during a single setting, a female cockroach may lay as few as 14 eggs or as many as 36 eggs, with a time period anywhere between 24 days and 215 days.


Female cockroaches have longer lives than males, with some living almost two years. Pet cockroaches are known to measure even longer. There are quite 4,500 identified cockroach species living within the world immediately. Let’s take a glance at the life cycles of a number of the foremost common ones.


Oriental cockroach life cycle

Oriental cockroaches are well-adapted to colder climates, preferring to measure in areas where the temperature is between 68 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they’re unable to supply egg cases in temperatures below 59 degrees Fahrenheit. A female Oriental cockroach lays about 16 eggs at a time and will produce about eight ootheca during her lifespan – that’s around 128 offspring – with an average incubation period of 60 days. Oriental cockroaches undergo seven to 10 instars, a development process that takes about 589 days. Females have an estimated adult lifespan of 180 days, while males have an adult lifespan of about 160 days.


Cockroaches are one of the oldest living insects on the earth. Their life cycle plays a crucial role in their ability to survive and populate the world. Can you imagine having quite 200 siblings, all born within an equivalent year? That would be one very large family and one very crowded house.
100% guarantee Cockroach pest control.

We’ll do whatever it takes, until Cockroaches are gone.

Cockroaches never stop trying to get into your home … Mazaya clean never stops working to keep them out. 


Cockroach control types

There are more than 4,500 types of roaches in the world, But some of the roach species that want to move in with you can easily become a nightmare for any homeowner. Consider that for each roach you’ll see, there is a good chance there are dozens, even hundreds, in your home that you simply can’t see. And while all roaches might look equivalent as they scatter once you activate the lights, knowing the way to tell the difference between the foremost common sorts of roaches in your home will assist you to choose the foremost effective pest control methods to prevent the infestation dead in its tracks.


General appearance of all types of roaches


First, be sure you’re actually handling cockroaches. Roaches are often mistaken for other insects like grasshoppers, beetles, or crickets. Cockroaches have flattened, broad bodies with long antennae and long hind legs. Each of their six legs has tiny sensory hairs. Adult roaches have wings that fold flat on their backs, but not every cockroach can fly. Most roaches are brown or black and may range anywhere from 0.07 inches to three inches long, counting on the species.


One of the foremost distinctive features of a cockroach is that the shield-shaped pronotum is located directly behind the top. If you’re observing a roach in your home, the likelihood is that it’s either a German cockroach or a brown-banded cockroach. These are the two most common unwelcome inhabitants of homes, buildings, and structures.


Oriental cockroaches

More commonly called “water bugs”, the oriental roach dwells darkly and loves moist, damp spots that are out of sight and harm from humans. This makes it harder to urge obviate without pest management professionals since pesticides might get washed away.


  • Length: 1.25

  • inchesColor: dark-brown or glossy-black

  • Distinguishing features: glossy appearance, male wings shorter than the body, female wings underdeveloped

  • Found: areas with tons of moisture, decaying organic matter, and below ground level (e.g., sewers, damp basements, etc.)

  • Flight: no

  • Entry: can come in under doors, basement windows, garages, or sewer system

No matter what sorts of cockroaches you’ve got, you do not want them in your house or around your family. Roaches can transmit disease as they become contaminated with filth crawling on floors, into drain pipes, or in other low places, they may travel. Just a couple of minutes later, the exact same roaches could also be seen walking around on your clean dishes or on the food you have been preparing

How to cockroach control?


When considering what cockroach control method to use, it’s best to first examine your home for possible roach infestation sites. do that by employing a flashlight to look at popular roach hiding spots, including behind the refrigerator, under the sink, crevices in cabinets and shelves, closet door corners, bathroom cabinets, and closets.

Use roach glue strips to locate large infestations. support your flashlight inspection, choose the foremost strategic areas to put strips. Monitor those areas for a couple of days to every week . Strips in high-traffic areas will catch the foremost roaches, and these areas will need the foremost treatment.



Traps are often effective in reducing existing roach populations, but they won’t obviate roaches on the surface trying to interrupt in. To stop a roach infestation from expanding, use caulk to fill possible entry points, including gaps between walls or tile, small crevices and entry holes. it’ll also help to use weather strips on doors and window seals.



Gel bait are often an efficient roach killer. Gel bait usually comes within the sort of a tube and may be applied under baseboards, in cracks and crevices, and near areas that are presumably to draw in roaches. While gel bait is often effective in getting obviated roaches, it also can end in a variety of dead roaches lying around your home.

Another popular method when deciding the way to kill cockroaches is the use of bait stations. Bait stations work by attracting roaches into stations to prey on poison. The poisoned roach then travels back to its home location, dies and is eaten by the opposite roaches, further passing on the poison. Bait stations work partially to urge obviate roaches, but don’t target all roaches during a home. They also pose a problem because they contain poison and appearance unappealing when scattered around your home. Some roach hotels only contain glue to trap the roaches, not bait and poison them.



Boric acid, a substance found in products like clothing detergent and toothpaste, are often one among the simplest roach killers. Unfortunately, it’s also easily misapplied and subject to displacement by air currents, sending the fabric into areas where children and pets can inherit contact with it. Made by chemically combining boron and water, boric acid is low in toxicity to people and pets but deadly to cockroaches. When used incorrectly, boric acid will lose effectiveness and isn’t typically recommended because the sole method for getting obviate cockroaches.



Hiring a specialist to treat a roach infestation can increase safety, offer a simpler approach to getting obviated cockroaches and supply an ongoing solution to cockroach control. It also eliminates the necessity to possess traps scattered around your home.

Why do we fight cockroaches?

Some pest problems are merely inconveniences, like an ant infestation. regardless of what percentage ants you see in your home, they’re unlikely to cause you or your family any harm. Sure, they’ll attempt to share your leftovers, but they don’t carry disease and that they rarely bite. Basically, if you’ll accept them, then there’s no real “problem” to talk of.

Cockroaches are a completely different story. For starters, they will cause a good sort of health problems. Roaches are known to hold a whopping 33 different sorts of bacteria, to not mention multiple other pathogens. Additionally, roaches can aggravate your allergies, and a few people are literally allergic to cockroaches themselves. Apart from all of those biological factors, cockroaches also can cause long-term damage to your home – especially if you’ve allowed the infestation to grow unencumbered.


  • Cockroaches Don’t Hide Their Presence

 Let’s cover the foremost pressing stuff first. Once a cockroach infestation has been established, you’ll begin to note roach droppings throughout the house (especially under sinks and inside the pantry). These droppings resemble black pepper or dregs . You’ll also find the occasional dead cockroach or cockroach part strewn about. Although these occurrences won’t damage the house , they’re going to be blights on the property that you’ll need to pack up . If you ever want to resell your home, you’ll have to remove all signs of previous cockroach infestations.Another common problem: smell. A home with a cockroach infestation will develop an oily smell that’s considered quite pungent. Even after a cockroach infestation has been eliminated, it takes a while for the smell to dissipate.


  • The Only Other Damage is Psychological

As you’ll see, most of the damage caused by cockroaches is superficial. As long because the infestation isn’t allowed to grow out of control, you ought to be ready to avoid serious complications. However, don’t forget the psychological trauma inflicted by a roach infestation. whenever you switch on a light-weight in the dark , or look deep within a cabinet , or venture into your basement, you’re likely to ascertain a cockroach. And after you’ve found roaches dropping inside the pantry one too repeatedly , it’s going to begin to kill your appetite.

Cockroach control tips

 4 Pest Control Tips for Keeping Cockroaches Out


1. Vacuum Regularly 

Vacuum your home at least once a week, depending on the number of household members and food spills. Food crumbs stick between carpet fibers and upholstered cushions to attract cockroaches, ants, and mice, among other pests. Concentrate on areas roaches frequent, such as your kitchen and bathroom, before moving on to the rest of the house.


2. Wipe Down Surfaces

 pest control cockroaches are usually looking for food, so clean up food crumbs and spills on kitchen counters and other applicable surfaces with a white vinegar and water mixture. The inexpensive, non-toxic liquid cleans, disinfects, and deodorizes to eliminate cockroach scent trails. Also, avoid leaving food out overnight to remove food sources.


3. Seal Pet Food Containers

 Do not leave pet food bowls out overnight to keep cockroaches from eating them as a nightly meal. Transfer dry pet food into sealable containers instead of leaving kibble in bags to deter roaches, who will have trouble smelling the food. Your trash can should also have a tight-fitting lid to prevent access and smells.


4. Identify Entryways 

Walk around your home and look for points of entry. Pest control experts recommend using barrier methods such as caulk, steel wool, and weatherstripping to keep critters away. Use these materials around windows and doors, in foundation cracks and holes, and any other gaps you notice. You’ll enjoy a more efficient home, as well as fewer pests.

How to choose a cockroach control company? 


You should select a pest control company the way you are doing the other service – search for Quality and Value. Costs and competency are important. When selecting a pest control service, cost shouldn’t be the sole factor that determines the corporate you choose . It is important to form sure the pest control company you select is competent. If pesticides are misused, both health and property are often damaged. Before contracting with a pest control company, consider the following:


Take Your Time/Do Your Homework

When most of the people discover a pest problem, they need the matter eliminated immediately. However, most problems can wait a couple of days so you’ve got time to pick a competent, affordable company. It has now obtained several estimates from prospective companies. Most companies will provide free estimates.


Questions to Ask a Prospective Pest Control Firm

  • How many years have you been in business at your present address?


  • Would you provide me with an inventory of references

Contact several references to seek out if they’re satisfied with the service provided by the pest control company.

Will the person(s) performing the services be a licensed , licensed pesticide applicator or a licensed technician?

Each company must have a minimum of one certified, licensed commercial pesticide applicator within the proper service category. Other company applicators must be certified applicators or licensed technicians under the direct supervision of a licensed applicator.


  • Would you provide me with a replica of your pest control license, copies of the labels for all pesticides used, and therefore the rates at which they’re going to be applied

Reliable applicators will show you their credentials and can be ready to provide you with copies of pesticide labels that indicate how the merchandise should be applied, including the right application rates, and the necessary precautions.

Contact with Mazaya

Some of the customer reviews on cockroach control

** Very professional and nice, my villa was heavily infested by roaches, they came and they  applied the treatment, my villa required another round of treatment a few weeks later, I called the company, they were responsive and accommodating, they came again and applied the treatment for the second time. The workers are very polite, caring, patient and professional. The owner or the manager is a very nice guy, he has always responded to my queries I sent to him by WhatsApp before and after he received his fees.

** I used this pest control service for my apartment and have not seen a live cockroach since applying it over one month ago. I have seen some dead babies and swept them up and threw them out, but no live ones
Mazaya Pest Control Company in Abu Dhabi, is your best choice for cockroach control Abu Dhabi. The activity of pest control services is our only activity, we are specialized in the field of extermination and control of pests. 
We provide pest control services throughout Abu Dhabi such as Khalifa City, Mohammed Bin Zayed City, Shakhbout City, Al Falah City, Al Shamkha, Al Shawamekh, Al Reef, Shahama, Al Samha, Al Bahia, Al Rahba, Al Taweelah, Al Shalila, Al Raha, Yas Island, Saadiyat Island, Al Raha Beach, Al Raha Beach,  Al Reem island, Al Wahda, Al Bateen, Al Nahyan, Al Mushrif, Al Gurm Resort, Al Sa’Adah Street, Electra Street, Hamdan Street, Airport Street, Al Muroor Street, Al Salam Street, Al Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Corniche, Al Najda Street, Defense Street, Al Falah Street, Khalifa Street, Al Ma’arid, Al Rawdah,  Khalifa Park, Eastern Mangrove, Umm Al Nar, Al Muzoon, Al Za’faranah, Al Khalidiyah, Al Karamah St, Al Zaab, Madinat Zayed, Al Danah, Al Zahiyah, Zayed Port, Al Markaziyah West, Al Ras Al Akhdar,  Marsa Al Bateen Marina, ICAD, Al Dhafra Air Base, Al-Aryam Island,  Dhabiya , Tarif , Al Mirfa, Zayed City , Al Ruwais, Ghiyathi, Al Maqtaa, Abu Dhabi Gate, Mussafah Industrial Area, Shabiya, Baniyas, Mafraq, Al Wathba, Riyadh City, Masdar City, Sas Al Nakhl, Al Ajban, Sweihan, Al Gharbia, Al Ain City, Al Khaznah,  Al Khatama, Rimah, Al Yahar, Al Salamat, Al Maqam,  and others.Of course, if you’re concerned about your family health you will need professional help to pest control that we provide just  call Now Mazaya pest control: 026650399

